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Out With the Old: This New Strategic Framework Fits Content’s Future
Almost 10 years ago, the Content Marketing Framework was born. It served us well, but content in 2022 demands more. Read on to learn about the new Strategic Content Framework.
5 SEO Content and Design Tips to Improve Your Ranking in SERPs
SEO optimization goes far beyond keywords and meta tags. Try these five ideas to structure your content for better visibility, more traffic, and winning positions on search engine result pages.
How To Find External Sources To Create Trustworthy Content
Third-party sources can elevate content with diverse viewpoints, examples, and experiences. In turn, your audience is more likely to recognize your brand as a publisher, not just a vendor. Here’s how to do that.
How To Map Content to Customer Intent (and Make Your Sales Team Happy)
Plan your content to match customer intent with this no-tech, three-step process. You'll end up with content that helps both your prospects and your sales team.
Take a Marketing Messaging Lesson From Sesame Street This Pride Month
You’ll never create successful marketing if you ask how to create a memorable message that resonates with all audiences. That lesson was learned this month in the reaction to Pride celebrations by brands, including Bud Light and Sesame Street.
4 Ideas To Create a Better Thought Leadership Journey for Your Brand and Buyers
Distinguish your brand's value by reimagining your strategy for thought leadership content. It can help strengthen your sales partnerships – and your consumer relationships.
3 Tips To Create Case Studies That Turn Prospects Into Buyers [Examples]
Prospects want you to tell them a story in the middle of their buyer journey. Great case studies let you do just that – and it’s why over one-third of B2B content marketers say it’s an effective tactic.
Don’t Waste AI and Human Potential – Push Them Both To Do Better
How companies use generative AI tools reveals how they view content marketing. If they embrace a strategic approach, AI’s real power isn’t creating content.
Company Culture Importance Rises; Changing It Requires New Thinking
New research indicates that almost every leader expects company culture's importance to increase this year. Yet, they may not have the necessary thinking or strategy to improve theirs.
AI Content Detection Tools Exist – But Do You Need Them (and Can You Trust Them)?
Does it matter to content marketers if a writer uses ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, or other AI content creation tools? And if it does, what tools can help you in that assessment process? We tested four of them.
5 Newsletter Lessons for More Fruitful Content (and a Community-Building Fail)
Ocean Spray created the Cranberry Club to attract subscribers. But would the holiday berry deliver year-round? Find that answer and other content marketing takeaways from one club member who happens to be a content marketer.
Are You Optimizing Content for a Library or a Network? The Distinction Makes a Difference [Rose-Colored Glasses]
The ideal content optimization framework considers intent, authority, internal context, and external context. Here's how to build one that works for the way audiences find and consume information today.